Google Classroom

Connect with your classes and do assignments on the go

Google LLC

Google Classroom is an educational app that gives teachers the ability to create assignments, organize classwork, and communicate with their students.

E-learning has exploded in popularity, and many teachers are now looking for new ways to teach their students remotely. Google Classroom is a comprehensive e-learning tool that provides teachers with some innovative features that will help them with a variety of subjects. As an added bonus, this app is completely free to download and use.

Getting used to Google Classroom might take you a little bit of time, but you should be able to master all of the basic features in a single afternoon. This app will allow you to create custom courses for many different subjects, and those courses can be filled with as many assignments as you would like. After you finish creating an assignment, you can immediately send it to your students or have it automatically send on a future date.

The ability to fully customize your assignments is what truly sets this app apart from the competition, and you will be able to send your students all types of files, links, photos, and videos. You can also connect those assignments to other learning platforms, such as or Discovery Education. When a student completes and uploads an assignment, it will be saved in their own personal file. Once you have graded that assignment, their grade is automatically going to be stored in Google Sheets or a .CSV file.

Teaching is never going to be an easy job, but this unique app will make your life much less stressful in the coming years. It is going to eradicate quite a bit of your busywork so that you can continue to focus on your students and lessons. Overall, Google Classroom could be one of the best educational apps on the market.


  • Easy to set up and use
  • Dozens of useful tools
  • Excellent commenting system


  • Can’t be used with a personal Gmail account
  • Activity feed doesn’t update automatically
  • No automated quizzes or tests